Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Thoughts

Today is Memorial Day.  I'm grateful I don't just have old memories of Mom, but that I can still create new ones.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Notice the additions?

On Mom's birthday (May 17th) I added cute little laughable quotes.  Did you notice?  Figured we could all use a little pick me up.  Unfortunately, Mom hasn't been on the computer much to get a laugh.  The last treatment has really hit her hard.  We had a fast for her because she was supposed to make a decision about chemo.  If she quit, her benefits for further chemo would be lost should the cancer reappear.  If she continued, she could be crippled by the chemo.  It was a tough decision she wasn't looking forward to making.  Yesterday was the big day.  She went to the doctor uncertain about continuing the chemo.  Her prayers and our fast was answered.  She didn't have to make the decision.  The doctor won't let her continue in her current condition, but because he's putting her in a protocol of hold, she is still in the study and will continue to get the Avistan if her strength increases in the next three weeks.  She has lost so much weight.  She's down to 121 pounds.  Personally, I think she's just getting ready for bikini season.  She says otherwise, but who's she kidding girls?  I'd give anything (except chemo, cancer, sickness, loss of limb, loss of brain function, loss of wealth, loss of love, loss of work, loss of education, loss of family, giving up food, or having to exercise) to get to that weight! 
But, she claims she's not getting ready for bikini season and that her weight loss is because of lack of energy and appetite.  Sounds to me just like those skinny models that claim they're not bulimic, they're just naturally that way.  I'm just decide.
In the meantime, we appreciate your continued prayers.  Even bulimic people preparing for bikini season need our prayers. 
Now, in Mom's honor, I'm gonna go have some chocolate.  :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Your Prayers Please.....

Normally I like to joke and be funny, but this post is more serious.  Mom had her fifth round of chemo last Thursday and she's not doing well.  It really is finally affecting her ability to enjoy her days.  For those who know about chemo, it can cripple you.  It harms bone and nerve function.  If it gets too bad, they discontinue the chemo.  Well, Mom's there.  She is having problems with pain and with functionality of her nervous and skeletal system.  She has to decide before her visit to the doctor next Tuesday whether she will finish her last treatment.  If she does, she will be on Avistan the rest of her life; she'll be in the study and it will pay her medical expenses.  If she discontinues, her medical bills will not be covered as well.  She has to make a decision about the quality of her life.  Because of this, we are having a family/friend fast this weekend.  It will be a difficult decision.  She's received a priesthood blessing, we've put her name on the prayer rolls of the temples and now we ask, if you are able, that you join us in our fast.  This is an important decision.  Thank you.
Lora is with Mom and Dad now, so they have additional help.  Rick's the rock that's always there and we're glad.
We appreciate those of you who follow the blog and are interested in Mom's health.  You mean the world to us.  Thank you.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

4th Treatment-Finally Shows Signs of Weakness

So, Mom received her next-to-last chemo treatment today and guess what?  She couldn't take the Plavex, or Plavtex or whatever the drug's called that hurts your bones.  She whined about her pain.  Gosh, Mom.  You've gone all this time without hardly a whimper and now you're telling us you can't take it?  Just because your legs are going numb in the shower and your fingers are tingling?  What's with that?  With as strong as you've been all along, I'd have to suspect you've been at the bottle again.  Either that or you aren't Superwoman as I had been suspecting all along.
If you've been following Mom's journey, you realize how totally awesome she is.  I sure hope I have her genes.  Oh, that's right, I do!  I have her genetics for wrinkles, large you-know-what's, long legs, tiny ears, small bones, propensity to gain weight around the middle, and high intelligence--stop laughing LeeAnn.
I only hope all we girls inherited her strength.  This test has been formidable and she has been astonishing.  Her attitude is better than when she was raising five teenagers at once.  Hmmm ... what does that say about her children if she's happier fighting cancer than she was raising us?  I'll choose to ignore that last thought.
Mom said her hair is growing back.  We'll see if it stays through these last two rounds of chemo.  Now's your last chance to see her bald if you want to.  I want to because I want to draw those cartoons on her head and haven't gotten to.  No one has.  What's with that people?  Get out those markers.  Let's give her some last hurrahs as she finishes fighting this demon!  (I am speaking of cancer as the demon, not those of us who would choose to decorate her head with lovely graffiti.)
Until next week, keep your panties out of a bind!