Friday, August 17, 2012

Couldn't get her in a bikini....

I just got home from spending 10 days with Mom and Dad in Ohio.  They are doing great.  Not long ago Mom was down to 116 pounds and didn't have any energy, but....  I came to visit and fed her my delicious quinoa muffins and voila---she's gained 10 pounds and look how happy she is...

This picture was taken immediately after I told her she needs to be renamed "Butch" with that lovely haircut of hers!  Actually she has a full head of hair and it  even has dark roots!  (By the way she wasn't laughing because I called her "Butch", but that's another story for another time.)

She really has gained 10 pounds and is walking around the block every morning before sunrise.  Then she comes home and eats frosty shakes and energy bites that I made her.  I tried to get her to eat her greens, but she's a very bad girl.

Here she is with Dad-

This is before she gets into her lazy-boy chair (that chair is named that for a reason!).  She gets into the chair and falls asleep watching Fox News every day.  I don't know how she knows political issues because she goes to sleep when they come on.  Must be osmosis or something.  When her mouth is gaping wide and the snores rock the house, Dad lovingly wakes her to walk her to her room for the night and she goes to sleep like a good girl.  (unlike the bad girl for not eating her greens)

Anyways, yesterday she took a 4 hour drive with us to Amish country.  We stopped at a restaurant to eat and wouldn't you know it, all she orders is a grilled chicken sandwich while Dad and I get complete dinners and milkshakes and guess whose dinner isn't cooked?  Yep, Mom.  All she ordered was a sandwich and the chicken was pink inside so she had to return it.  She ended up settling for some of Dad's fries and the restaurant didn't charge us.  Man, it's not like she eats much and what she does order, she can't even get!  But, the good news is that she made the trip, came home and did dishes and a couple other things before hitting that lazy boy for Fox News and snoring into oblivion for the night.

This was her smile today---

We got such smiley-faced pictures because I was getting ready to leave.  After all the vegetarian dishes I made her, and the migraines Dad and I had during the week, I think she was glad to get back to normal!  

We actually had a lovely visit and it was so good to see Mom up and about more, eating well, exercising and understanding her limits while trying to push herself.  She has her next cancer screening appointment September 15.  Please keep her in your prayers.  We're hoping for a good bill of health so I can get her out to Utah to clean my kitchen since Lora isn't doing it.

Mom isn't able to get online to respond to your well-wishes, but we read them to her.  She has chemo-brain and that is a good thing because they discovered she has a brain!  On the down side, she isn't able to concentrate enough to talk a whole lot, read or even finish Fox News at night.  Wait, did I say not being able to finish Fox News at night is a down side?  I'll be disinherited!

Love you loads, thanks for all your support out there.