Saturday, September 15, 2012

Great News!

Ok, so I am writing less and less.  Sorry.  BYU School of Accountancy kicks your butt, but guess what?  With as much as cancer kicked Mom's butt, the chemo and Mom's determination kicked cancer's butt back!  I always knew my mom was a butt-kicker!  Now the world has evidence.  Mom went in this week for her screenings and all tests show she's cancer free.  We know that cancer is a wicked disease that you have to continue to watch and screen for, but this news is great news at this time considering that 9 months ago they told her she had stage four ovarian cancer.  We now happily get more time having Mom awaken us at horrendously early hours to sing us happy birthday.
Know what Mom likes best about all of this?  She doesn't have to do more chemo and lose her hair!  Can you believe that?  Who'd've known my mom was so vain?  If her head wasn't the shape of a perfect bowling ball I might understand, but geez......
Thanks everyone for their support.  I imagine very soon she will be back to forwarding you her anti-Obama e-mails.  My, how we've missed those!