Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Like a Poltergeist.............she's baaaaaaaccccccck!

So, if you've talked on the phone to Mom lately, she's back.  You're probably getting her Obama-hate mails and old people joke forwards.  She sounds like she has some energy.  She and Dad bought a trailer and being the good little woman that she is, she spent the day cleaning it like the good ol' days. After doing all that work she had time to call me to tell me how wonderful she was and how much she was her old self.  So yours prayers all worked.  Maybe now we can use that prayer energy to recover her sanity and kindness.  Naaaa, that would be asking WAY too much!
On the other side of Mom's coin, Dad is now facing health issues.  His old heart isn't what it used to be.  He may be faced with having to have an oblation.  His heart speeds up and they need to get it under control.  So, we could use prayers in his behalf in addition to those for Mom's continued recovery.  It's not unusual for that nasty cancer to come back so Mom has to have continual scans to keep it in check.  At least we know to check for it now.
On the fun side, Dad went to get his hairs (yes, I meant to say hairs!) cut the other day and he told Mom her hair was looking scraggly so she finally had to get a trim.  How far she's come!
We're very happy for the good progress, the great attention from the doctors, and all the support.  Y'all are great!