Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Surgery's Next-what will they find?

Ok, so life's just been puttering along fairly uneventful.  After Mom took those drugs for her white blood count it jetted up to 8000 and she was able to get her third treatment of chemotherapy.  She's recovering. Her legs ached a little after the shot for the white blood cells, but Dad massaged them for her.  None of us girls could come take care of her because we all have colds or flu bugs and even though we've taken care of Mom, will she let us come so she can do her motherly duties and care for her sick children?  No, she's all worried about herself.  Go figure.  Anyway, she has surgery on the 20th of March.  A week before that she gets oral surgery to have a tooth removed.  She's having so much fun.  I thought I'd bone up on the game "Operation" just in case the doctor needs me to assist in surgery.  I'm actually curious as to what constitutes her inside.  It's tough as steel apparently because she's fought this chemo harder than anyone I've ever heard.  But, she's rotten too, so I'm wondering what kind of rotten junk she has in there.  Who knows?  It's gonna be interesting.  The doctor probably won't want me to assist cuz I needed smelling salts the one time I went into the emergency room with Sumerae (my niece) when she cut her head on a dresser jumping from the top bunk bed.  For some reason I figure they'll want to have all their attention on Mom.  Kind of like "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha"---remember when she got all the attention?  Now it's my mom.  I can't wait until this is all over and everyone can pay attention to me.  :)
Mom is really grateful for all your prayers.  She believes that's what's healing her.  Please continue because our entire family thinks so too.  You've all been so generous and thoughtful.  Thanks.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Mom's a Zero

Ok, so it's been awhile.  Mom's been doing pretty well since her second round of chemo.  She's just been a little tired.  I actually think that's her excuse for not doing anything. 
Mom had her weekly blood draw on Tuesday and today her results came back.  She has zero white blood cells. (Probably hasn't contributed to the energy thing-but whose fault is it she has a zero white blood count huh?  She's the one making--or not making the white blood cells)
We shouldn't really be surprised, after all what's one more low thing in her life?  Most of her life she's had low blood pressure, low patience, low tolerance for fighting children.... need I say more? 
Now Mom has to get shots of antibiotics (drugs) that will do for her what she won't do for herself-create white blood cells.
All kidding aside, please keep Mom in your prayers.  She has to get her white blood count over 500 in order to get her next round of chemo on Thursday.   Mom shouldn't have other people around until her count is up.  So, feel free to check in with her on the phone.
Thanks y'all.