Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's 8:41 am in Utah which means it's 10:41 am in Ohio.  I'm calling Mom to get an update on her life.  She's so busy I get her answering machine.  So, I call Dad's cell phone.  She was in the living room and couldn't even hear her phone ringing in her room-tells you she really is old.  Dad heard it, but it took him too long to get to it so the answering machine came on.  Their house is about 900 sf, so that tells you how old Dad is because he couldn't walk that distance in 5 minutes.  That, plus he couldn't tell whose phone it was because the old are a little deranged.
Mom's doing well.  She is trying to put on weight for the first time in her life.  She weighs her ideal weight, but since she goes into surgery the 20th of this month, the doctor says she has to put on weight because surgery will take it off and that will put her in an anorexic condition if she doesn't gain any now.  Lucky Mom!  She's working with a dietitian to put it on.
Her next adventure is a CAT scan scheduled for the 6th.  I don't know why they're scanning her for cats, but whatever.  In order to find the cats they have to make her drink some awful stuff.  Mom says it's crap but I thought crap came in the solid form so she couldn't really drink crap unless it's diarrhea.  I don't understand what drinking crap has to do with scanning for cats but then I'm not a doctor.
Like I said, her surgery is on the 20th of this month.  Two weeks after surgery they take her staples out and two weeks after that she gets her next chemo.  Who says life for the elderly isn't full of adventure?
So....Mom and Dad are having the adventure of their lives.  They're in really good spirits and taking the attitude of enjoying the journey.  They've even gotten their doctor to open up with a sense of humor.  If you remember, back when Mom went to find out all about the chemo experience; Rick, David, Lora, Mom, Dad, Rick's sister-in-law Brenda and I showed up at the doctor's office to find out what was going on.  Apparently most families don't do that.  When Mom went in to talk to the doctor about her surgery, he asked her if he was going to have to book a theater for her surgery so all her family could fit!  :)  Way to go fam.....


  1. I thought all our cats died off years ago! Mom... have you been sneaking them in? I can't be around them - allergic to them terribly these days. Please make sure you have none around the next time I come over.
    Deb - you do have quite the sick and twisted sense of humor! Not sure if it's more Clester or Magovern... what think ye?

  2. Truly disdusting Deb..................but I did laugh:-)
