Saturday, March 10, 2012

No Cats, but a light in her behalf is coming!

Ok, so Mom had the CAT scan.  They didn't find any cats.  (I could have told them that, she has this cute little dog that can chase them away.)  They did however find very little cancer so she is now going to have surgery on the 20th of March so the Doctor can remove what they did see.  Georgia is flying in to take care of her during this process.  It's her turn to sit and eat bonbons!  Anyway, in Mom's behalf her granddaughter Nicole is running the American Cancer Institute Relay for Life. If you go to this link, you can view information and donate to Nicole's relay to raise money to fight cancer in Mom's behalf. 
Outside of this, not much new is happening.  Mom's gotten some new Muslim head wear.  Nice of her to join their throngs.
Til next time-----

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