Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mrs. Potato Head Enduring

Ok, so this is Mom going through Chemo.  Relaxing in a comfortable recliner, eating and changing hats at will.  I LOVE the wine color hat picture.  She was so photogenic don't you think?  So, let's see....if I have this straight, we're all concerned about her because???  Life's too hard?  She is suffering so much?  She has a green leather recliner instead of a blue one?  What gives?  I mean, really.  The next pictures will really show you how hard she has it.  Lora came to take care of her.  Look how difficult she has it.  Isn't it Mom's children we should all be having compassion for.  Check out Lora.  She is our insane work-a-holic clean-a-fobe.  See how Mom is torturing her by giving her absolutely nothing to do.  How about Lora?  Huh, how about a little compassion.

And now a word from Dad:
This is Lora caring for Mom. Mom feels better today than she did after her first chemo. We even went out for breakfast this morning. After the 1st chemo she didn't feel good on saturday at all. But she feels ok today. They gave her the chemo over an 8 hour period which has made it easier for her. Was hard time wise but better for after. Between that and all the PRAYERS she is doing ok.
Love You 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dang Broken Links

So, for those who have been following this blog, you may have noticed that the pictures disappeared.  Michael discovered it and told me.  When I got on, low and behold-they were indeed gone.  Never fear, I have downloaded them and reposted them, but they are arranged differently.  Guess that's what you get for copying and pasting.  Download, always download--follow the directions.
No pictures today, but.....Mom did get good news.  Her white blood count came up.  Last Thursday it was 300 and if it didn't rise she wouldn't be able to get her second shot of chemo.  Being the addict she is, she really wanted it.  Today, when she went for the blood test-yeah-1000!  I don't know if she cheated like some people do by getting fake urine for drug tests, (you know since she's an addict and all) but she gets to have her second shot of chemo on Thursday!
Lora is going to replace me helping out at Mom and Dad's.  Mom called her "Deb" today and I know it was in the most endearing way!  We both take such wonderful, loving care of her.  I just know Lora's going to beat me at drawing on Mom's head.  Mom told me I can't use permanent magic markers, but I told her when her head sweats the markers will run so they have to be permanent.  Besides, when her hair grows in if the drawings haven't faded completely, her new hair growth will cover them, right?
I think we ought to take wagers on what color and type her hair will grow in.  I'm going with black and afro-ish.  Any other thoughts?
Dad's supposed to take pictures of her getting her chemo on Thursday.  For all of those who feel badly for her, she just lays around in a nice recliner for 5 hours and has people bring her bon-bons.  You'll see.  We'll post the picture for you.  Until then, have a good one and keep her in your prayers. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Look out Fashion Runway! A New Star Has Arrived

So, which is your favorite look?  Personally I love the kiss blowing.  The black hat and fake silver hair are to die for don't you think?  I asked Mom to make some provocative poses to post on the blog.  I guess these are them----which one is the provocative one?  My favorite hat is the next to  bottom rimmed mauve hat, kinda makes me think of the comic strip Heloise!   Though the black one is rather  Mrs. Howell from "Gilligan's Island"-ish don't you think?  She'll wear the blue beret as she commandeers the streets of Tallmadge, Ohio to see that no hoodlums survive.  Feel free to post comments.  We love them!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Here are some pictures taken today 1/21/12 Before the beauty shop and after. Mom was getting really depressed when her hair started coming out in clumps so she decided to have it cut off today. She felt much better after it was gone. The girl at the beauty shop has been taking care of her Aunts hair that has had ovarian cancer for 5 years so she knew what happens and advised Mom and Mom felt better. She followed the girls advice. So here she is before and after.


PS..Mom said to add this.....Here she is before & after..with her pointed head.

May I add that she likes to get attention????? 
Actually, we were speaking on the phone the other day about her going bald.  Anyone who knows us when we were teenagers, knows that I decorated the walls of my bedroom by using magic markers to draw cartoon pictures, have friends sign, and I'd also write poetry and cute, quippy sayings.
Mom really wants to do this so when I return I can make a beautiful Michelangelo of her head! Way to go Mom!                                                                                                 - Deb

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hair Loss!

She's losing her hair!  I think she's kinda looking forward to it cuz then she won't have to do ALL THAT WORK she does currently to maintain it.  (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)  In her behalf I am including a poem that tells how Mom really feels about the hair situation.  Enjoy!

3 Hairs

There was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

"Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today."

So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and saw that she had
only two hairs on her head.

"Hmmm," she said, "I think I'll part my hair today."

So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and noticed that she had
only one hair on her head.

"Well," she said, "today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail."

So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and noticed that there
wasn't a single hair on her head.

"YAY!" she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Attitude is everything! It can make or break your day.

Everyone you come in contact with is fighting battles like you. Let's take care of one another. And don't forget to take care of yourself!

Monday, January 16, 2012

See what chemo does?  Not only is it poisonous and makes you weird, it's contagious.  Good thing I came back to Utah before it was too late!

Postponing that inheritance thing.....

Looks like my mom's getting better.  When I left to return to Utah she was pretty crummy.  For her, the second and third days after chemo were the worst.  Every day since then she has improved.  She even made a trip this past weekend down to Piqua to her nephew's wedding.  She actually danced the night away. I'm supposed to be getting a gorgeous picture to post, but I have to wait for Dad for that.  Hope he figures out how to do it all!  You know Dad and technology---(yeah, right)

The next day I spoke with her on the phone and she and her sister and sister-in-law were just gaggling away like a bunch of barnyard hens.  You'd think they thought they were kids or something.  I didn't get to hear their conversations, but I'm just sure they were full of things like bowel movements, back aches and bunions!!!!!

Mom tried to guilt me by telling me that Mary's girls were putting her on a plane to California.  (I wanted to tell her that's what they do with the homeless, only they send them to Hawaii with a one way ticket so Hawaii can foot the bill.)  Hey, Aunt Mary--check and make sure that ticket is round-trip before you go!

Anyway, Mom's up and about.  She's doing stairs, dancing to music with Dad at home, taking trips and has her famous sarcasm up and running full force so WATCH OUT!

Don't we all hope these are the reports that will be forthcoming?!
Until next time....

Friday, January 6, 2012

Good News

When last we left, Mom was having a CAT scan for a lung clot.  Today the results are in and it's not there!  (I think it's the priesthood blessing:))  Either that or it got sick of being in such an ornery person.  You choose.....

Mom is doing GREAT today.  She got up this morning and she and Dad went to the Rec Center and she walked twice around the track, came home, picked up things around the house, then went to Walmart and walked all over. She said she actually feels better than she has in a long time.  We're so glad.  I hope this continues because I only have two more days to be here and crack the whip on the woman.  I'd hate to see her get lazy or anything.

Her appetite has been really good for the first time since I've been here.  I have to hide my plate from her cuz heaven knows I need all the calories I can get.

It has been the best day yet and I hope she just gets better from here.  We know problems can still arise, but we'll be happy for every good day we have.

Til next time-

FYI-Mom's Schedule:
Every Thursday-labs except as follows:
Tuesday, January 24th-labs

Thursday, January 26th
8:30 am Dr. visit
9:00 am 2nd Chemotherapy -1st Avastin Infusion

Tuesday, February 14th-labs

Thursday, February 16th
8:30 am Dr. visit
9:00 am 3rd Chemotherapy Infusion

Thursday, January 5, 2012

First day of chemo

Mom did so well getting her first chemo.  The anti-nausea medicine was hard, she had to lay down with cool rags on her head cuz she felt like she was going to faint, but the actual poisonous chemicals they put in her to fight her cancer did just fine!
While she was getting chemo, some results from her hospital stay came in and it looks like she has a blood clot on her lung.  They made her go have a CAT Scan when she finished her chemo so they can check that out.  Man, hasn't this poor woman been through enough!  I guess we should be thankful they are catching all this stuff and can actually do something about it.
Mom's spirits are good and she even had Dad stop at Burger King on their way home from the hospital because she was sooooo hungry.  She ate all but one bite of her grilled chicken sandwich!  Pretty good if you ask me.
Bad side affects---she's been really nice and appreciative.  What's with that?  Makes me wonder if I have to keep one eye open when I go to bed tonight.  Is she setting me up for something?
So far, so good. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

She's allowed to cook and clean! Yipee!

Ok, so here's the scoop.  Mom went to the cancer center to get information on her chemotherapy treatment today.  I'm sooooooooo glad I went along.  I don't have to work so hard now.  I get to crack the whip on her.  She's supposed to get exercise, keep up a regular routine and eat lots of small meals all day long.  Wow-I get to have my mom do the laundry again, cook lots of delicious items then get down and mop those floors.  Here I've been thinking that's what I came for!  Woo hoo-vacation time for Deb!  And since I would hate to see Mom eat alone, I get to enjoy the 8 course meals she'll be preparing for my enjoyment all day long.
Actually it was quite refreshing to hear that chemotherapy has come a long way.  They told us the possible side affects but said that most people do just fine.  We even saw a woman leaving the cancer center after treatment driving herself.  They don't expect vomiting-there's medication that takes care of that now.  They said she'd be tired the first couple days, but that the more she gets out and exercises, the better she will do.  There's a support center here that Dad and I are trying to get her to go to for activities.  The chemo takes 5 hours and she goes in tomorrow at 9:30 am.  She will get it next on the 26th and the third treatment will be February 16th.  Three to four weeks after that she will have surgery.
Good news-she skipped going in today so her spirits are up.  (I know that's because I'm here and my wonderful enthusiastic spirit is contagious!)
She has appreciated all the wonderful support.  Feel free to leave comments for her and compliment me on my wonderful blog.
Thanks for your care.
PS They said she WILL lose her hair.  I offered to style it now and give her a mohawk make-over. (Let her slowly get used to hair changes.)  She thought I was kidding-hope she's not a light sleeper :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Adventures

We awoke to a beautiful white snow covered morning.  Snow needed shoveled but would Mom help???  Nooooooooo.  She just sat in her Lazyboy (there's a reason they're called that) and watched as Dad and I plowed through the fluffy white stuff.  Some nerve!
Actually, I did ask her if she'd like to go outside and build a snowman with me, but she declined.  How am I supposed to keep this woman active if she won't do something that simple?  Any ideas?????
She's been cold lately (losing 15 pounds doesn't help in the heat retention category).  Guess the snow was a little too cold for her-that and the cold air.  I told her we could dress her up like Randy from "The Christmas Story".  She just laughed.
Mom's sense of humor is still good-which is amazing considering she lives with Dad!  Between him and Fox news I'm beginning to lose my sanity----think that's actually her problem?  Just saying.....
The doctor's office called today.  Tomorrow at 10:00 am we go in to get all the information and schedule for the chemotherapy.  She will take her "spit" test so we can determine if this is hereditary.  Only 8% of all cases are. ( Let's see-her mom had breast cancer-she has ovarian cancer---what do you bet we are the 8%?)
Thursday will be her first shot of chemotherapy.  She will also get the new drug "Avistan" for which she is in a case study.  She'll get a triple whammy of drugs.  We are going to have a family fast for the occasion.  Any who would like to join us in our fasting and prayers, we'd appreciate cha.  We'll be having our fast this Saturday to Sunday.
Thanks for your concern-we appreciate all your love and prayers.