Friday, January 6, 2012

Good News

When last we left, Mom was having a CAT scan for a lung clot.  Today the results are in and it's not there!  (I think it's the priesthood blessing:))  Either that or it got sick of being in such an ornery person.  You choose.....

Mom is doing GREAT today.  She got up this morning and she and Dad went to the Rec Center and she walked twice around the track, came home, picked up things around the house, then went to Walmart and walked all over. She said she actually feels better than she has in a long time.  We're so glad.  I hope this continues because I only have two more days to be here and crack the whip on the woman.  I'd hate to see her get lazy or anything.

Her appetite has been really good for the first time since I've been here.  I have to hide my plate from her cuz heaven knows I need all the calories I can get.

It has been the best day yet and I hope she just gets better from here.  We know problems can still arise, but we'll be happy for every good day we have.

Til next time-

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